Sleigh Ride

This is a wonderful read!

A Hundred Years Ago

18-year-old Helena Muffly wrote exactly 100 years ago today: 

Saturday, January 10, 1914: Got my first sleigh ride of the season last night. Most forgot what I did today.

Her middle-aged granddaughter’s comments 100 years later:

Grandma –

Wow, a sleigh ride! . . .  Was it after the dance that you wrote about yesterday? . .  .By the way, how was the dance?

Was it a moonlit night? Was the sleigh ride cold?  Were there lots of blankets in the sleigh to keep you warm?

Who else went on the sleigh ride? . . . your sister Ruth? . . . .a cute guy you danced with? (Did you snuggle with him under the blankets? . . . Oh, never mind, I just remembered that you are my grandmother, and that’s probably an inappropriate question.) 🙂

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