Poems to God

This poem is written in the old Eastern form to God


You found your pearl in the wine

But you became the vessel to carry by lilac

When in the ocean of purple wisdom

I look for my myself being lost and drifted

The vessel that contains the True-Love finds within distilled wine

O Beloved

Hold my wine as an ’embryo’beholds all that Truth’

As for the pearl, I am the womb…

And you are born each night being the pearl within me…, that ‘the night vigil’

As I evaporate in you

and you contain me-for the room is for one only,

Oh my beloved, my Murshid, my son

I am the oyster, you are the pearl

Born  each night, within the wine the ‘very you’ hold for me

Being the vessel, containing the ocean within…

I was meant to find you,

Beyond the horizon of right and wrong, truth or lie

Beyond all that is ‘limitless’

I will meet you there floating on the notes of pure music

Will hold you hands, whether it is paradise of not

The womb will meet the drop of wine which creates the ‘Best of the Pearls’.

—Naajnin Soofian




Oysters and Pearls

Oysters and Pearls

Love is the way messengers

from the mystery tell us things,

Love is the mother.

We are her sons and daughters.

She shines inside us,

visible-invisible, as we trust

or lost trust, or feel it start to grow again.

— Rumi

Divine Love



“Wherever I go, thou art my companion.

Having taken me by the hand thou moves me.

I go alone depending solidly on thee.

Thou bearest too my burdens.

If I am likely to say anything foolish, thou makest it right.

Thou hast removed my bashfulness and madest me self-confident.

O Lord, all the people have become my guards, relatives and bosom friends.

Tuka says, I now conduct myself without any care.

I have attained divine peace within and without.”

—Book of Prayers, M. K. Gandhi


What makes up Divine Love

What makes up Divine Love


“All things in creation and manifestation, even all things in existence, are held together by Ishk. This is Divine Love. It is difficult to express it in such a limited way, but we know that sunlight contains electricity, magnetism and numerous other forces or aspects of cosmic force.”

—From Spiritual Brotherhood, Samuel Lewis


“Gravitation, light, attraction, adhesion, and cohesion are all aspects of this Divine Love in the physical world. But even these aspects extend far into the unseen, and it cannot be said that Divine Love is limited or qualified by its mental aspects and characteristics…Behind all mysteries, behind all activity and behind all life is Love or Agape or Karuna which holds all things and persons together, which creates the beauty and harmony of this cosmos.”

—Samuel Lewis



“I desire you

more than food

or drink


My body

my senses

my mind

hunger for your taste


I can sense your presence

in my heart

although belong to all the world


I wait

with silent passion

for one gesture

one glance

from you. ”

—Rumi, The Love Poems of Rumi



Open up your heart

Open up your heart


“In your light I learn how to love.

In your beauty, how to make poems.


You dance inside my chest,

where no one sees you,


but sometimes I do, and that

sight becomes this art.”

—-The words of Rumi



You are a child of the Universe. Get out there and shine.

You are a child of the Universe. Get out there and shine.


“Love is the greatest component of life. It unifies everything. It attracts and draws to us all that is good. Through love we become more aware and responsive to the needs of humanity. We see the oneness, commonality, and the spark of God in each person. We can begin with our family, friends, and coworkers. We can love them even if we think they have done something wrong. We can be there for them, with compassion, kindness, gentleness and acceptance. That is how we demonstrate our human love.”

—James Van Praagh


Divine Love is everywhere.

Divine Love is everywhere.

This is What I Always Say…

Hello everyone,

I am writing today to share something that many of you who have followed me here at WordPress have heard me say before. We are not born racist.  We are born completely loving and accepting of goodness. We are born not seeing each other differently but as a version of ourselves. We are not racist at birth. What happens? Well, we are taught by others, by adults to be racist. We are taught to care what color we are and what color others are. We are taught that color has value. Some colors are more important than others.


Being a painter as well as a photographer, color is important to me. The color of a flower, a bird, a tree, the color of sand at the beach, the color of the majestic mountains which scrape the sky. When I am painting, I often mix two or perhaps three colors to create the perfect color for what I am painting in the world. One color is not needed more than others. Some colors are needed in just a little dab. Sometimes you wash a little color over what you have already painted to enhance the color. It doesn’t really change it. It deepens or accentuates the color. Every color on my palate is just as important to me as the next one. Yes, they are different, but each has equal value to the heart and to this beautiful Universe.


I included the Iris below because it is an unusual color. I raised it and photographed it. It not a common color for an iris, but it is a pretty color. And the photograph is my gift to you. I can’t really give you a gift but this is as close as I can come. Please accept it in the spirit in which it is given.


Golden Iris. Photograph and copyright by Barbara Mattio, 2014

Golden Iris. Photograph and copyright by Barbara Mattio, 2014


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I am also writing this blog in memory of every human being, adult or child, who has suffered in any way or has been killed because of the color of their skin. I am writing for every grief stricken parent who will never be able to fill the hole within themselves. I am writing for every sibling left behind because their sister or brother is dead because of the color of their skin. I am writing for every lost sibling who will never laugh together over a private joke. I write today for everyone who is different in some manner and is afraid that one day someone will kill them for their differences.


I am writing this today for a young man. A young man who worked for me along time ago. He was a hard worker, he had a good sense of humor, he had a good and loving heart. He offered someone a ride home one evening and the person slit his throat because he was different. He bled out all alone. I am sure he was afraid, and wondering why? Why? Why?

Because he was different and this person hated him for being different. Labels were applied by the stranger who killed him and so he slowly bled out behind the wheel of his car alone. Alone and gone too soon.


“Immature grapes are made by the breath of the Master.

Then the sourness of duality, hate, and strife disappears,

and they are peeled of their skins to become one in the wine.”


Today We Thank Mother Earth

“Lord, the air smells good today, straight from the mysteries

within the inner courts of God.

A grace like new clothes thrown

across the garden, free medicine for everybody.

The trees in their prayer, the birds in praise,

the first blue violets kneeling.

Whatever came from Being is caught up in being,

drunkenly forgetting the way back.”




Zinnias grown, photographed and copyrighted by Barbara Mattio 2014

Zinnias grown, photographed and copyrighted by Barbara Mattio 2014



The beauty of the earth is everywhere, mankind has not destroyed what we have been given. Photographed and copyrighted by Barbara Mattio 2015

The beauty of the earth is everywhere, mankind has not destroyed what we have been given. Photographed and copyrighted by Barbara Mattio 2015



“too much industry

too much eats

too much beer

too many cigarettes


Too much philosophy

too many thought forms

not enough rooms—

not enough trees


Too much Police

too much computers

to much hi fi

too much Pork


Too much coffee

too much smoking

under slate grey roofs

Too much obedience


Too many bellies

Too many business suits

Too much paperwork

too many magazines


Too much industry

No fish in the Rhine

Lorelei poisoned

Too much embarrassment.


Too many fatigued

workers on the train

Ghost Jews scream

on the street corner


Too much old murder

too much white torture

Too much one Stammheim

too many happy Nazis.


Too many crazy students

Not enough farms

not enough Appletrees

Not enough nut trees


Too much money

Too many poor

turks without vote

“Guests” do the work


Too much metal

Too much fat

Too many jokes

not enough meditation.”


—Allen Ginsberg, twentieth century Beats poet



The skies are filled with the beauty of Mother Earth. Photographed and copyrighted by Barbara Mattio 2015

The skies are filled with the beauty of Mother Earth. Photographed and copyrighted by Barbara Mattio 2015


May we all remember to thank Mother Earth for what we have been given. May we ask forgiveness for what we have destroyed. May we do restitution to our planet to undo what we have destroyed. May our words, prayers and actions make a difference.

Female lion on watch. Photographed and copyrighted by Barbara Mattio 2015

Female lion on watch. Photographed and copyrighted by Barbara Mattio 2015

If Death Were a Woman

This poem grabbed me.  I wasn’t thinking about Death, but the beauty of the words — the possibility of it — captured my imagination today.

We all will face Death, one day — some of us sooner than others — but how we face it, how we accept it or fight it, can be as important as how we live on the way there.

Death is scary.  It isn’t something I want to do, any time soon — I have grandchildren to watch grow up, great-grandchildren to welcome many years from now — but when it comes, it would be nice to think it would be like this poem.  Nice to think that those I’ve loved and lost were welcomed to the Other Side in so gentle and beautiful a fashion.







If Death Were a Woman

–Ellen Kort

I’d want her to come for me smelling of cinnamon

wearing bright cotton      purple maybe       hot pink


a red bandana in her hair          She’d bring

good coffee         papaya juice       bouquet of sea grass


saltine crackers and a lottery ticket      We’d dip

our fingers into moist pouches of lady’s slippers


crouch down to see how cabbage feel when wind

bumps against them in the garden     We’d walk


through Martin’s woods      find the old house

its crumbling foundation strung with honeysuckle vines


and in the front yard     a surprise     jonquils

turning the air yellow     glistening and ripe


still blooming for a gardener long gone

We’d head for the beach wearing strings of shells


around our left ankles     laugh at their ticking

sounds     the measured beat that comes with dancing


on hard-packed sand     the applause of ocean and gulls

She’d play ocarina songs to a moon almost full


and I’d sing off-key     We’d glide and swoop

become confetti of leaf fall     all wings


floating on small whirlwinds     never once dreading

the heart-silenced drop     And when it was time


she would not bathe me     Instead we’d scrub the porch

pour leftover water on flowers     stand a long time


in sun and silence     then      holding hands

we’d post for pictures     in the last light





Rumi’s Words in My Head

Wake and Walk Out 



If I flinched at every grief, I

would be an intelligent idiot. If


I were not the sun, I’d ebb and

flow like sadness.  If you were not


my guide, I’d wander lost in Sanai.

If there were no light, I’d keep


opening and closing the door.  If

there were no rose garden, where


would the morning breezes go?  If

love did not want music and laughter


and poetry, what would I say?  If

you were not medicine, I would look


sick and skinny.  If there were no

leafy limbs in the air, there would


be no wet roots.  If no gifts were

given, I’d grow arrogant and cruel.


If there were no way into God, I

would not have lain in the grave of


this body so long.  If there were no

way from left to right, I could not


be swaying in the grasses.  If

there were no grace and no kindness,


conversation would be useless, and

nothing we do would matter.  Listen


to the new stories that begin every

day.  If light were not beginning


again in the east, I would not now

wake and walk out inside the dawn



Form is Ecstatic


There is a shimmering excitement in

being sentient and shaped.  The


caravan masters sees his camels lost

in it, nose to tail, as he himself is,


his friend, and the stranger coming

toward them.  A gardener watches the


sky break into song, cloud wobbly with

what it is.  Bud, thorn, the same.


Wind, water, wandering this essential

state.  Fire, ground, gone.  That’s


how it is with the outside.  Form

it ecstatic.  Now imagine the inner:


soul, intelligence, the secret worlds!

And don’t think the garden loses its


ecstacy in the winter.  It’s quiet, but

the roots down there riotous.


If someone bumps you in the street,

don’t be angry.  Everyone careens


shout in this surprise.  Respond in

kind.  Let the knots untie, turbans


be given away.  Someone drunk on this

could drink a donkeyload a night.


Believer, unbeliever, cynic, lover,

all combine in the spirit-form we are.


but no one yet is awake like Shams.


I was at the hospital today, visiting my friend who is recovering from the surgeries well, but she still has Stage 4 cancer. And I could hear Rumi putting words in my head, and I could feel his energy and his reminder that his religion is Love, and our religion is Love, no matter what path you follow.  The ecstasy in the path of Love can help you get through the trying times and sometimes in the devastating times.   When the going is the toughest, it’s good to remember that the God is Love, Lover and Beloved, and nothing else can be all three.

The Imperative

There is a lot of negativity and darkness in the world right now. I still don’t believe in war but I can see we need to stop this barbaric and horrific genocide. In the UK, there was a demonstration and it consisted of Muslims holding up signs which said, “They don’t speak for me.” I give these young people my support and I want to praise their bravery to take a stand against the fundamentalists in their countries. It will be important going forward that we remember that not all Muslims are fundamentalists and extremists. Many thousands of them are just like you and I. They don’t want war anymore than we do. They want peace and the ability to live their lives without constant danger and retaliation.


“Hunger for love, He looks at you.

Thirsty for kindness, He begs from you.

naked for loyalty, He hopes in you.

Sick and imprisoned for friendship, He wants from you.

Homeless for shelter in your heart, He asks of you.

Will you be that one to Him?”   —Mother Teresa 


“What we need is to love without getting tired. How does a lamp burn? Through the continuous input of small drops of oil. What are these drops of oil in our lamps? They are the small things of daily life: faithfulness, small words of kindness, a thought for others, our way of being silent, of looking, of speaking, and of acting. Do not look for Divinity outside of yourself. It is not out there. Divinity is within us. Keep your lamps burning, and you will recognize the Divine.”   —Mother Teresa


Rumi was very good friends with Shams Tabriz. He absorbed all of the traditions and doctrines in the ocean of reality. The way that Rumi and Shams clarified for the world of mystical experience is their continuously unfolding friendship. The source of that friendship-sunlight, everything the sun lights, and the mystery of the inner sun-is what he worships. This is a difficulty some traditional believers have with Rumi: he does not stress the distance  between human beings and the Beloved, but rather he stresses the remembered intimacy. Rumi taught a continuous conversation with the Beloved.


Coming up on September


White butterflies, with single

black finger paint eyes on their wings,

dart and settle, eddy and mate

over the green tangle of vines

in Labor Day morning stream.


The years grinds into ripeness

and rot, grapes darkening.

pears yellowing, the first 

Virginia creeper twining crimson,

the grasses, dry straw to burn.


The New Year rises, beckoning

across the umbrellas on the sand.

I begin to reconsider my life.

What is the yield of my impatience?

What is the fruit of my resolve?


I turn from my frantic white dance

over the jungle of productivity

and slowly a niggun slides,

cold water down my throat.

I rest on a leaf spotted red.


Now is the time to let the mind

search backwards like the raven loosed

to see what can feed us. Now,

the time to cast the mind forward

to chart an aerial map of the months.


The New Year is a great door

that stands across the evening and Yom

Kippur is the second door. Between them are song and silence, stone and clay pot 

to be filled from within myself.


I will find there both ripeness and rot,

what I have done and undone,

what I must let go with the waning days

and what I must take in. With the last

tomatoes, we harvest the fruit of our lives.”   —Marge Piercy


Tonight at sundown, the Jewish New Year begins. It is the beginning of the Days of Awe. It is a time for reflection and introspection. Where each Jew and the community look inside and see and confess their sins. The Jewish people look at things like lack of compassion, lack of kindness and withholding love as sins. They use these ten days to review their lives and decide what to change within themselves. Jews around the world will be eating a holiday dinner and going to Temple. Prayers and love for G-d will open their hearts for reflection. So I wish every Jewish person on Mother Earth to have a sweet New Year. May it be a good year.




A time of renewal

A time of renewal


New Year prayers and candles

New Year prayers and candles



For a sweet New Year

For a sweet New Year

Cleansing Conflict

Cleansing Conflict

 poem by Rumi, taken from The Soul of Rumi, translated by Coleman Barks

What is a saint?  One whose wine has turned to vinegar.  If you’re still wine-drunkenly

Brave, don’t step forward.  When your sheep becomes a lion, then come.  It is said

of hypocrites, “They have considerable valor among themselves!” But they scatter when

a real enemy appears.  Muhammad told his young soldiers, “There is no courage before

an engagement.” A drunk foams at the mouth talking about what he will do when he gets his sword

drawn, but the chance arrives, and he remains sheathed as an onion.  Premeditating

he’s eager for wounds.  Then his bag gets touched by a needle and he deflates.  What sort of

person says that he or she wants to be polished and pure, then complains about being

handled roughly? Love is a lawsuit whose harsh evidence must  be brought in.  To settle

the case, the judge must see evidence.  You’ve heard that every buried treasure has a snake

guarding it.  Kiss the snake to discover the treasure!  The severe treatment is not toward

you, but the qualities that block your growth.  A rug beater doesn’t beat the rub, but

rather the dirt….

When a mother screams, “Get out of here!” she means the mean part of the child.

Don’t run from those who scold, and don’t turn away from cleaning conflict, or you will

remain weak.  Also, don’t listen to bragging.  If you go along with self-importance, the work

collapses.  Better a small modest team.  Sift almonds.  Discard the bitter.  Sour and sweet

sound alike when you pour them out on the rattling tray, but inside they’re very different.




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       Soul and the Old Woman

What is the soul> Consciousness. The more awareness, the deeper the soul, and when

essence overflows, you feel a sacredness around. It’s so simple to tell one who

puts on a robe and pretends to be a dervish from the real thing. We know the taste

of pure water. Words can sound like a poem but not have any juice, no flavor to

relish. How long do you look at pictures on a bathhouse wall? Soul is what draws

You away from those pictures to talk with the old woman

who sits outside by her door

in the sun. She’s half blind, but she has what soul loves to flow into. She’s kind; she weeps.

She makes quick personal decisions, and laughs so easily.    —Rumi, translated by Coleman Barks