And Standing Rock Starts Over Again

With a stroke of Trump’s pen, the fight for Standing Rock started all over again


I have questions about what the law enforcement officers are doing at Standing Rock. The native reservations are sovereign territory with their own law enforcement and laws. How can it be legal for White law enforcement to go onto their land and burn their tipis down?

I continue to admire to determination of the water protectors to follow their inner truth. Not even the cold winter temperatures can deter them from their stated mission to protect their land and to protect the water. The water protectors. How can we say thank you for the huge gift they are giving to the American people? When you pray, however you pray, ask for protection for the water protectors and good health, ask that the white law enforcement run into many problems that will keep them from hassling the native people.

For those of you who have already donate money or goods or who may have gone to Dakota, thank you and may God bless you in a special way. It is 2017 and America and indeed the world seems to be challenged about what our values really are. What our ethics and moral are. Are we willing to give them up for money or power? I say from the numbers of us who have marched, postcarded, called the Senate and the House and plan to do more in the days and weeks ahead that we are willing to fight and to stand up for all Americans. We stand up for the native people, the Muslims, the African Americans, the disabled, the Jewish people, women and the LGBT community. All of these wonderful Americans have terrific families that we are fighting to save. Here is to all American families. No exclusions.



Higher Ground

The light center we took a day trip to, a couple of weeks ago, is dedicated to prayer for personal and planetary transformation. It is in Black Mountain, NC. It is open 24/7 for prayer and meditation. It is owned and operated by the United Research, Inc.


The building is circular and there is a room which is set up with lights and comfortable chairs. A panel of light surrounding the room below ceiling height is programmed to shine one color at a time for four minutes, with one minute of darkness in between each color. The seven colors begin with red, continue with consecutive hues of the rainbow, and end with white light. There are so many people who have prayed and meditated here that there is a very strong energy of peace and of togetherness.


We can all pray for transcending peace where we are and along the lines of our spiritual path. Or you can simply talk to God as you know him/her/it. There are some things which can make our prayers more powerful.


They include: releasing all of your past, all negativity, fears, relationships and judgements to the light.

Understanding you are a light being, a child of the Universe.

Knowing that you can radiate light from your light center to everyone.

Knowing that you can radiate light from your light center to everything.

You are in a bubble of light and only Light can come to you and only Light can be there.

You can thank God for everyone in your life, for everything in your life and most importantly for yourself.




Peace is not the product of terror or fear.

Peace is not the silence of cemeteries.

Peace is not the silence result of violent repression.

Peace is the generous, tranquil contribution of all to the good of all.

Peace is dynamism. Peace is generosity.

It is right and it is a duty.

—Oscar Romero








 Ask for the hope we all need. Pray leaders will stop playing politics and lead this world to peace.

Ask for the hope we all need. Pray leaders will stop playing politics and lead this world to peace.

A new transliteration

I have found this new translation of the Lord’s Prayer. It was originally in Syriac Aramaic and now it is in English. It is felt that Syriac Aramaic is the closest to what Jesus spoke. Jesus would have spoken Hebrew or Aramaic. All translations are limited, but there has been an attempt to retain some of the Aramaic rhythms.


Syrian Aramaic


“Abwoon d’bashmaya

Nickaddash shmuokh

Teete malkootakh

Nehve zviyanuch ayekana of bashmaya off b’ar’ah

Havlan lakhma d’soonkannan

Washbooklan khowvine wakhtahine ayekana soff chinnan shuokin I’khaiyouine.

Wela tahlan linisyuna

Ela patssan men bisha

Metool d’lokhhe malkoota wakhaila weteshbookta l’olam aimeen.”



English Translation

“O Thou, the Breath, the Light of all.

Let the light create a heart-shrine within.

And you Counsel rule ’til Oneness guides all.

Your One Desire then acts with ours, as in all light

so in all forms.

Grant what we need, each day, in bread and insight.

Loose the cords of mistakes binding us, as we release the strands we hold of other’s faults.

Don’t let surface things delude us.

But keep us from unripe acts.

To you belongs the ruling mind.

the life that can act and do.

the song that beautifies all.

from age to age it renews.

In faith, I will to be true.”  —–Amen


My meditation or prayer tonight is:

On The Silence and Stillness in Nature

Through the silence in nature

I attain thy divine peace.


O sublime nature

in they stillness let my heart rest.


Thou art patiently awaiting the moment

to manifest through the silence of sublime nature.


O nature sublime, speak to me through silence

for I am awaiting in silence, like you, the call of God.


O nature sublime,

Through the silence I hear thy cry.


My heart is tuned to the quietness

that the stillness of nature inspires.


O nature sublime, pregnant of  divine spirit,

manifest as a prayer, which rises from my heart.


Speak, God, in silence,

this moment my heart is in tune with the stillness of thy nature.


Though the ever-moving life is my nature,

thou art my very being, O stillness.

Namaste, Barbara


Zen400swprodshutterstock_168559829 copy


Well, I am 98% unpacked and have visited the youngest grandchildren. A year ago, I thought that I was now at an age where I was too old for adventures. Then, I began to think about moving and as most of you know, I have moved to Asheville. It has been an adventure. You are never too old to change your life. Never to old to face new challenges or to see the world from a new perspective.


I am sitting at my desk in front of my bedroom windows listening to a symphony of toads, frogs, locusts, fish in the river, wind gently caressing the leaves on the trees along the river and the sound of traffic. My health does seem to be doing some better and my spirits are up.


I have had visits with old friends, I miss newer friends and I am beginning to make connections in the city. My oldest grandchildren fell in love with Asheville. They live in NC, on the coast. It is much more humid and somewhat warmer there.


I have a sense of anticipation and curiosity. I truly do not know what is coming. This feels exciting. I am on the third floor and no longer have a garden which I miss very much. The mountains and the river are full of so much life and I am going to do whatever exploring I can do.


A young woman I know told her mother she wouldn’t be able to help her because she did have a life. She does, but so does her mother and all of the rest of humanity. It is important to remember that we share this lovely world and taking some time to give to others is a privilege. We enrich each others lives and we can change someone’s day with a smile or a thank you.


As I sit here writing to you and smelling the beautiful air, I realize that the haters, liars, the selfish are not happy, or content. They are outside of this creation we call Mother Earth. I am glad I began this new life and I am sure many adventures are coming to my life. Some all ready have and have been exciting and some were harder, but I am here and grateful to the Universe for my courage to start a new life. Don’t let change scare you and don’t run from adventures. They could be the best things in life you have ever experienced.


Hugs to all, Barbara



A Red Rose for those who have died in  War and for will in the Future

A red rose for all of you who are making changes in your life and in your world. 




Pray together to increase the power

Pray together to increase the power

Today We Thank Mother Earth

“Lord, the air smells good today, straight from the mysteries

within the inner courts of God.

A grace like new clothes thrown

across the garden, free medicine for everybody.

The trees in their prayer, the birds in praise,

the first blue violets kneeling.

Whatever came from Being is caught up in being,

drunkenly forgetting the way back.”




Zinnias grown, photographed and copyrighted by Barbara Mattio 2014

Zinnias grown, photographed and copyrighted by Barbara Mattio 2014



The beauty of the earth is everywhere, mankind has not destroyed what we have been given. Photographed and copyrighted by Barbara Mattio 2015

The beauty of the earth is everywhere, mankind has not destroyed what we have been given. Photographed and copyrighted by Barbara Mattio 2015



“too much industry

too much eats

too much beer

too many cigarettes


Too much philosophy

too many thought forms

not enough rooms—

not enough trees


Too much Police

too much computers

to much hi fi

too much Pork


Too much coffee

too much smoking

under slate grey roofs

Too much obedience


Too many bellies

Too many business suits

Too much paperwork

too many magazines


Too much industry

No fish in the Rhine

Lorelei poisoned

Too much embarrassment.


Too many fatigued

workers on the train

Ghost Jews scream

on the street corner


Too much old murder

too much white torture

Too much one Stammheim

too many happy Nazis.


Too many crazy students

Not enough farms

not enough Appletrees

Not enough nut trees


Too much money

Too many poor

turks without vote

“Guests” do the work


Too much metal

Too much fat

Too many jokes

not enough meditation.”


—Allen Ginsberg, twentieth century Beats poet



The skies are filled with the beauty of Mother Earth. Photographed and copyrighted by Barbara Mattio 2015

The skies are filled with the beauty of Mother Earth. Photographed and copyrighted by Barbara Mattio 2015


May we all remember to thank Mother Earth for what we have been given. May we ask forgiveness for what we have destroyed. May we do restitution to our planet to undo what we have destroyed. May our words, prayers and actions make a difference.

Female lion on watch. Photographed and copyrighted by Barbara Mattio 2015

Female lion on watch. Photographed and copyrighted by Barbara Mattio 2015

What is in a name?

The beginning of a new year is exciting and filled with some apprehension. I am notorious for facing the new year with trepidation and glee. Yes, I realize that I sound strange. But there are reasons for both responses.


This year I know that if you were to draw a picture of me, you would see one funny looking woman. In 2015, I am looking forward to the possibility of adventure, new friends, new experiences and also leaving old friends, leaving the one grandchild that lives here, and leaving the culture that I love so much. It will be good, but I expect bumps along the way. If things unfold as I imagine them, we will be living in North Carolina this year. But it might be next year or not? No it is coming. An end to winter. Sixty four years on the Great Lakes is quite enough for any one. The doctors are pushing for the move because of my health. We are at the point that we are both taking steps to bring this to fruition, while trusting that the things that must happen will without our interfering. Depending on the universe in this is something I am working very hard on.


What I am ready for is to move, to spend more time in the sunshine. I am ready to be nearer to some of the other grandchildren. I am ready for new adventures and I am ready to be astonished.What I am not ready for is the details of making this come together like a puzzle. I dislike puzzles. So I am doing practical things, praying, believing, anticipating and dreading all at the same time. So I ask all of you, to say a prayer for my sister and I to be within the perfect order of the universe. Which brings me to:

Prayer is an Egg


On Resurrection Day God will say, ” What did you do with the strength and energy

your food gave you on earth? How did you use your eyes? What did you make with

your five senses while they were dimming and playing out? I gave you hands and feet

as tools for preparing the ground for planting. Did you, in the health I gave,

do the plowing?” You will not be able to stand when you hear those questions. You

will bend double, and finally acknowledge the glory. God will say “Lift

your head and answer the questions.” Your head will rise a little, then slump

again. “Look at me! Tell me what you’ve done.” You try, but you fall back flat

as a snake. “I want every detail. Say! Eventually you will be able to get to

a sitting position. “Be plain and clear. I have given you such gifts. What did

you do with them? ” You turn to the right looking to the prophets for help, as

though to say, I am stuck in the mud of my live. Help me out of this! They

will answer, those kings, “The time for belonging is past. The plow stands there in

the field. You should have used it.” Then you turn to the left, where your family

is, and they will say, “Don’t look at us! This conversation is between you and your

creator.” Then you pray the prayer that is the essence of every ritual: God,

I have no hope. I am torn to shreds. You are my first and last and only refuge.

Don’t do daily prayers like a bird pecking, moving its head up and down. Prayer is a egg.

Hatch out the total helplessness inside.”

—By Rumi


Both Wings Broken


Love draws a dagger and pulls me close.

Lock and key. Bird with both wings


broken. The love religion is all that’s

written here. who else would say this?


You open me up wide. Or you tie me

tighter. The ball waits on the field


to be hit again. You push me into fire

like Abraham. You pull me out like


Muhammed. “Which do you like better?”

you ask. All the same, if it’s your hand,


troubles or peace. Friends become enemies,

faithful faithless. Some knots tighten.


some loosen. Unruly tangle of caution and

rebellion, ropes and uncombed hair, no one


can tell. Then comes the sure attention

of a mother’s hand for her hurt child.”

—by Rumi





Praying at the Wailing Wall.

Praying at the Wailing Wall.

 “Hear oh Israel, the Lord is God, the Lord is One.” — most important prayer in Judiasm


Prayer and meditation

Prayer and meditation




Sandlewood prayer beads

Sandlewood prayer beads


 “Go in Beauty, Peace be with you, Til we meet again in the Light.”

Prayer and meditation.

Prayer and meditation.


 “May the long time sun shine upon you. All love surround you. And the pure light within you. Guide your way home.”


Prayer of Tibetan monk

Prayer of Tibetan monk


 “Tell me, what is God? He is the breath inside the breath.”  —Kabir


Pray together to increase the power

Pray together to increase the power


 “Oh music, In your depths we deposit our hearts and souls.

 Thou hast taught us to see with our eyes and hear with our hearts.” —Kahil Gibran


Deep in prayer

Deep in prayer


“Flowers and bees may be different, but the honey is the same. Systems of faith may be different, but God is One.” —Rig Veda


Man at prayer

Man at prayer

Reality Check



Welcome to the real world.



The Milky Way. If we destroy ourselves, what happens to the universe?

The Milky Way. If we destroy ourselves, what happens to the universe?




Dolphins living free until we completely destroy our planet

Dolphins living free until we completely destroy our planet




Twilight on boat launch at Avon. Photographed and copyrighted by Barbara Mattio 2014

Twilight on boat launch at Avon. Photographed and copyrighted by Barbara Mattio 2014



California Poppies. Another gift from Mother Nature.

California Poppies. Another gift from Mother Nature.




Upper Waterfall in Letchworth State Park. The Genesee River has formed a gorge. We must take care of the gifts from Mother Earth.

Upper Waterfall in Letchworth State Park. The Genesee River has formed a gorge. We must take care of the gifts from Mother Earth.

We have to take care of our planet. It is more important than oil, money, arms, greed, jealously, bigotry, injustice, hatred and war. We must take care of Mother Earth. Our planet has changed greatly during just my lifetime. There is a supervolcano under Yellowstone National Park. If it blows, it will destroy most of America. Yet we continue fracking, mining, polluting the earth and the air. We must stop. To choose not to stop is to commit suicide.



 Great Spirit


Great Spirit,

give us hearts to understand;

never to take

from creation’s  beauty more than we give;

never to destroy wantonly for the furtherance of greed,

never to deny to give our hands for the building of earth’s beauty;

never to take from her what we cannot use.

Give us hearts to understand that to destroy earth’s

music is to create confusion,

that to wreck her appearance is to blind us to beauty;

that to callously pollute her fragrance is to make a house of stench;

that as we care for her she will care for us. Amen     —U.N. Environmental Sabbath Program





Praying for Mother Earth.

Praying for Mother Earth.


Only a self-destructive species would do to our planet, what we have done.

Only a self-destructive species would do to our planet, what we have done.

In Praise of the One

Sufi image

Sufi image

“God, I see you everywhere, wherever I gaze—
From the low valleys to lofty mountains,
A sweet song resounds:
“One of God”s great hands
Spanned the heavens,
Creating angels and worms,
Summer’s Breeze and winter’s storm.”
—–Salomon Maimon

The star of David

The star of David

Heart and wings

Heart and wings

The Compassion of Buddha

The Compassion of Buddha

The female aspect of Divinity

The female aspect of Divinity

In all cultures women are raped

In all cultures women are raped

Hands in prayer

Hands in prayer

At the End of the Day

The language of the eyes is tears.

The language of the eyes is tears.

This day has left many in pain, shock, disbelief, horror, and anger. I know I have felt each of these emotions through the course of the day. I have been praying, sending light and strength to the families of the survivors and the families of the victims.

This has been a week that reminds me of the 9-11 attacks. A time where your brain just can’t quite wrap around the truth–the awful truth that little ones have died. There really aren’t any words that can comfort a parent at a time like this, but it is important to put the sacred and pure energy out there to heal and lift up those whose hearts have been broken.

It doesn’t matter who these children were, they were all unique gifts from God and their time here was too short. I think about what they would have wanted their parents to feel and the entire nation. I think they would tell us they are in no pain and they are well. I think this because life is a cycle, it begins with birth and ends in death but that does not end the journey. I believe they would want us all to live in love, peace and harmony. I believe they would want to be remembered in our hearts.



June roses

Photo by Barbara Mattio

May all of the people who have been murdered this week Rest in the Peace of God now and always.

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