Peace and Music




A Red Rose for those who have died in  War and for will in the Future

A Red Rose for those who have died in War and for will in the Future

                       Grown, Photographed and copyrighted by Barbara Mattio 2014

Peace, justice and equality are what we want. When do we want it? Now. This compilation is as relevant now as it was in the 1960’s. There has never not been war. What have we accomplished…nothing. I am a proud pacifist. I do not think war ever fixes anything. What the world needs now is diplomacy, acceptance, concern and compassion. Be part of the new peace movement. Help save lives, one life saved might be your own. Namaste, Barbara

Ending the Year with Peace







It is officially New Year’s Eve. I am wishing all of us and all of the world a 2015 filled with light, love and peace for all. May Justice reign and suffering end. Thank you all for following me and reading me these past 2 1/2 years. It may be virtual but your friendship is a joy and a pleasure in my life. You have enriched my heart and soul and I am grateful. Your friend and a really good hugger, Barbara

“The Harmony and Peace Award” …. A new blogging award!!

It Is What It Is


~~December 3, 2014~~

It Is What It Is” has been nominated and honored as a one of the first recipients of “The Harmony & Peace Award” by the IdealisticRebel”.


“I created this new award to celebrate all those who promote Harmony & Peace, and who add Love & Beauty to the world through their Blogs and through their lives. Their Positivity makes the world a better place for all of us.


As most of you know by now, I am not big on rules, but here they are

Give this award to seven bloggers who have added Harmony & Peace, Love & Beauty and Positivity to the world you live in.

Let them know that you nominated them.

Acknowledge the blogger from whom you received this award

Display your award on your blog, because  you have earned it!

Continue to live in…

View original post 133 more words

Gratitude for Mother Earth




We are coming to an end of another year. We witnessed a lot of horror, violence and pain this year. We have also had reason to hope, love and show kindness to others. My goal for 2015 is to promote peace and love as much as possible. Will I succeed? I don’t know but I believe that if I and others don’t try, it will make life here in our world worse. So I want to state that we are all one family, one species and we share one World. It is our only one. There isn’t even a second string planet waiting to fill in if we destroy Mother Earth. So let 2015 be the year we save our own lives and begin to heal Mother Earth. May 2015 be the year we practice love, kindness and acceptance.


“O Hidden life vibrant in every atom;

O Hidden Light shining in every creature;

O Hidden Love! embracing all in Oneness;

May each who feels himself as one with Thee,

Know he is also one with every other.”

—Annie Besant


” Let us be united;

Let us speak in harmony;

Let our minds apprehend alike.

Common be our prayer;

Common be the end of our assembly;

Common be our resolution;

Common be our deliberations.

Alike be our feelings;

Unified be our hearts;

Common be our intentions;

Perfect be our unity.”

—From the Hindu sacred writings of the Rig Veda


“Grant me the ability to be alone;

May it be my custom to go outdoors each day

among the trees and grasses,

among all growing things

and there may I be alone,

and enter into prayer

to talk with the one

that I belong to.”

—Rabbi Nachman of Bratzlav


We need to save our forests, jungles and green spaces. Plants give off Oxygen that we need to breathe.

We need to save our forests, jungles and green spaces. Plants give off Oxygen that we need to breathe.



The indigenous people of the world valued life. Do you?

The indigenous people of the world valued life. Do you?



Gratitude and gratefulness for Mother Earth

Gratitude and gratefulness for Mother Earth

Never Stop Making the World a Better Place

To have peace we also have to have equality for all peoples, nations, religions and cultures. We do need to address the racism which remains here in America and all over the world.  Women’s and girls’ rights are being denied many places across the world. They are an invisible minority. Women are being beaten, terrorized, even executed. Many females are treated with contempt and violence.


We find that the violence against women is perpetuated by fellow citizens. There are laws to protect women but they are not always enforced. Often authorities look the other way. It is a woman after all.


Women are often denied opportunities for education and work. Women wanting a better life can’t protect themselves from violence and harm. They also can’t protect their children.


Leadership, by definition, means being out in front of your people when it is called for. It means standing up for your dignity and the dignity of others. It also means encouraging others to do the same.


Human rights mean that all people are treated like human beings. It means being able to stand up as a woman, a radical, religious, tribal or ethnic minority and being treated the same way as everyone else. Human rights are women’s rights and women’s rights are human rights.


We need to recognize the gains we have made as women as well as the gaps where women and girls can fall through. We then need to focus on the gaps and filling them logically. Social media has improved things somewhat. But we have 200,000 million fewer women with access to the internet than men who are online in the developing world.


“I have loved and been loved; all the rest is background music.”   —Hilary Clinton


To everyone who has worked as an advocate or feminist, you can’t rest on your laurels. Never quit. Never stop working to make the world a better place for all of us to live and thrive. We have unfinished business and we must go forward until all human beings enjoy human rights and full equality.


Since the time of our founding fathers, we have had to work on equality and human rights for all. The founding fathers began our country as a great experiment. They had a dream and they created America from that dream. There were many people who predicted our demise as a nation. George Washington, the father of our country was criticized as being a mediocre surveyor with a bad set of wooden teeth.


People who have bet against America have found themselves to be surprised and dumbfounded. The one issue which caused much debate and angry words was, as it is now, equality between the races. The founding fathers finally agreed to disagree. They crafted America and left future generations to come to terms with the question of equality. This job fell upon the shoulders of Abraham Lincoln. He was assassinated and therefore his plans were not implemented. After the Civil War, there was no slavery but there also was not any equality except for a very few.


These days women are not equal. Black citizens and white citizens are not equal. Middle Eastern people are not equal since 9-11. Poverty has increased here in America as well as around the world. The future brings opportunities to learn our lessons and heed the call of history. We need to make  human rights a priority. America needs to stand together firmly and united in pursuit of a more just, free and peaceful world.


“It ‘s supposed to be hard…The hard is what makes it great.”   —Excerpted from A League of Their Own.


We need leaders who will lead in a way that will unite us all and renew the American Dream.






Liebster Award


Patti at PetiteMagique nominated me for the Liebster Award.  She is a wonderful, talented poet and you should visit her blog often!

Thank you, Patti, you are an inspiration


The Rules:

1) Acknowledge and accept the Liebster Award by leaving a comment on the blog, that nominated you.

2) Copy and paste the Liebster logo onto your blog.

3) Link back to the blogger who nominated you.

4) Answer the 11 questions put to you by the person who nominated you.

5) List 11 random facts about yourself.

6) Nominate and link to 3—11 other blogs you enjoy that have less than 3000 followers.

7) List 11 questions for your Liebster Award nominees on your blog.

8) Inform your nominees by leaving a comment on their blog.

The Questions:

  1. Why did you start blogging?

Because I was forced to retire early, and I needed to still contribute to the world.

  1. What inspired or influence you to write?

My sister, who is a fiction writer

  1. What are three things you can’t live without?

Books, music, and chocolate

  1. What (other) talents do you have?

I’m a photographer, painter, I do needlework, and I love to cook

  1. What is your favorite post you’ve written? (Don’t forget to include the link)

The Message in a Bottle

  1. If you could meet anyone dead or alive, who would it be?

Dead: Albert Einstein; Alive, Steven Hawkins

  1. If money were no object, what would you do all day?

What I do now, really.  A bit more shopping and travel.  Travel to every sacred place on the planet

  1. What has been your biggest challenge?

Staying positive and hopeful for the future in the world; and mobility

  1. If you could learn to do anything, what would it be? And why?

Learn to fly an airplane

  1. What makes you smile?

The sun on my face; the fragrance of beautiful flowers; the giggle of a child (any child, but especially my grandchildren); helping other people

  1. What is your most memorable moment in your life?

Meeting the Dalai Lama and kissing a dolphin

I would like to use the same questions for my nominees.

11 random facts:

I was born with raven black hair, but now that I am over 60, I am a blonde bombshell

I am full of dichotomies, to everyone else ( I make perfect sense to me)

I do not do public wetness

I am deeply spiritual, but I do not follow a single dogma

I love to have gardens everywhere

I love to play with my grandchildren

When I travel, my camera never leaves my hands

I have a titanium hip  (airport security is loads of fun)

I hate winter,  and strongly dislike rainy days (unless the gardens need the water)

I love to listen to music, lots of different kinds of music

Give me a beach, or the mountains, and I am at peace

My Nominees:

  1. Osarobohenry
  2. Carl D’Agostino
  3. LadyPinkRose
  4. Markbialczak
  5. EvilCyclist BookShelf
  6. Maverick Mist
  7. Lucid Gypsy
  8. MsVee
  9. Cindy Williams

Peace is With us Today

Achieve peace with understanding.

Achieve peace with understanding.

This month, the Artists4Peace are writing about celebrations of peace. The world has seen quite a few of them. The end of WWI was named Armistice Day; the celebration of the end of the first war that almost destroyed the world. WWII ended with a celebration of peace. The Berlin Wall came down and the world celebrated. I was at a weekend retreat of meditation and prayer when the Berlin Wall came down and there was much celebration. These were all huge celebrations of peace. It was as if the world had a second chance.


We had peace and then we lost it. Are there other ways to bring peace into being, to create peace out of the pain and suffering we inflict upon each other? Yes, but we must begin with ourselves and then move to our neighborhoods, communities and countries. Our world leaders must bring the peace we create and celebrate and multiply it until it encircles the globe.


Each day that we live and we work on peaceful behavior, we have cause for celebration. Peace is important whether it is on a grand scale or if it is small. Peace counts because each minute it exists it is a victory. If you have a peaceful day, that is huge in a world full of haters and violence; a world filled with greed, jealousy, and a constant desire for more.


Talking about peace, trying to create peace in our lives, recognizing peace when we see it in others all keeps the dialog flowing. The dialog of peace makes us all more receptive to the actions that we can do to bring about peace.


Peace is something that will not come unless we work for it and talk about it. Peace will come when someone else is more important than we are. Peace enters our lives when we have spoken harsh words to a person and after realizing what happened, we speak from our hearts and we speak from love.


Peace comes when no one acts out of malice, anger or hate. Peace comes when no one desires what another owns. Peace comes when countries don’t try to take land that isn’t theirs. Peace comes when one person does not shoot another. World leaders are needed to make peace. They are needed to put their citizens needs before their own egos and lusts.


We are all needed to bring peace into dialogue with spouses, children, neighbors, friends and strangers. Peace needs to never be far from our thoughts. It needs to be with us every day and every day we shall celebrate each moment of peace. When each moment is added up, there will be more and more reasons to celebrate Peace. Peace for us, for others and peace with God and from God.  The five major content areas will know peace; Peace with God, with ourselves, relationships, society and our beautiful planet.




    Imagine Peace, explore peace, live in peace.


  Needlepoint done by Barbara Mattio 2005  

Richard Pryor knew in 1978

There really is nothing new under the sun.  Police brutality against black men is nothing new, as you can see from this routine that the great Richard Pryor did in 1978.  (Caution: Strong Language)

Remember, every human being is equal.  We are all brothers and sisters in one family and one world.  We made need to say it louder and longer, but we can do that, you and I.  One Family on Mother Earth.  One Race – The Human Race.