Another Guest Blog — Sorry

Yes, it’s another Guest Blog from Idealisticrebel’s sister, and you know by now that this is NOT good news.

Barbara is very sick — asthmatic bronchitis, but we caught it before it turned into full blown pneumonia. She spent a day in the hospital on oxygen but is home now.  The nurse at the hospital told her that she was sicker than she thought (which I told her, but I’m just the little sister and she doesn’t listen 😉 ). We were also told she will get worse before she gets better, but hopefully not too much worse.   She is weak but recuperating.

I will keep giving you updates every couple days or so, but I would not expect much of her wit, wisdom and rebellion for a couple of days, at least.

Keep her in your prayers, please. She will be following you all, still and I know that she will love to hear from you!

Excellence Award


I am truly, truly grateful that people think my writing is worthwhile.  Your opinions mean a great deal to me, and your support and loyalty keep me going.

Thank you everyone, for all you do — and especially the wonderful Dr Rex who gave me this award.

I would like to pass this award on to the following wonderful bloggers, truly examples of excellence.  Please pass it on to at least 10 people who follow you.  Your nominees should be deserving and someone who hasn’t won many awards this year. Don’t forget to let your nominator know you accepted!

  1. behindthemaskofabuse
  2. helenvalentina
  3. garethbryant
  4. sasscer
  5. scriptum\skryptoria
  6. toemailer
  7. xena
  8. jenny cecillia
  9. josephine ranes
  10. rene 
  11. marsha in the D
  12. tracesofthesoul
  13. rajat chauhan
  14. uthamz
  15. jeremy nathan marks

A Brief history of Terrorism within the United States:

Sad that on a holiday we have to think about terrorism. Let’s change this fact in 2014. Hugs, Barbara

Gareth Bryant


I was just thinking of the following:

Whenever Islamophobes talk about “Homegrown-Terrorism/Terrorists”, they always neglect to reflect upon the history of Terrorism, within the annals of our very own American-History. I had debated with a fellow online writer/blogger (, because this person was making the claim that “since 1980, Muslims in the U.S. have been 35 times more likely to commit terror than all other demographics combined.”…by the way, the author of this blogpost also stated, “Reports of bombings, shootings, stabbings and even beheadings by terrorists cross the newswire each day.” he mentioned “stabbings, shootings” as acts of Terror done by Terrorists, so, by definition, Muslims can’t be 35 times more likely to commit acts of Terror, because Muslims still account for less than 10% of the U.S.-Population. So, how could it possibly be that a demographic that’s less than 10% be 35 times more likely to commit…

View original post 310 more words

“As the world makes merry this festive season, the people of Gaza have deliberately, cruelly, been deprived of fuel by Israel for two months: They suffer in freezing temperatures, with no electricity, no light, no heat, scarcity of food, no essential services. “

If this is true it is so wrong. Israel please stop doing what was done to you.

Random Candidate

“When the waste water treatment plant stopped functioningsewage flooded the streets. Then kicking families while they are down so low, Israel opened dams east of Gaza drowning hope and the last vestiges of normal life.”



Appeal to the Pope here:

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Blogging Buddy Award


The lovely Xena at BlackButterfly7 created this wonderful award and nominated me for it. Here is what she had to say about the award’s creation:

The appreciation of being honored by peers cannot be expressed in words. I am humbled, and decided that rather than spend time today complying with rules to accept additional award nominations, I’d spend time thanking and awarding others.

The Award design isn’t perfect, (I’m no artist), but it’s from my heart.

Truly, I wish that I had more time to post comments and contribute to discussions on other blogs.  When I visit and read other blogs, I do leave behind that I was present by clicking “like.”  Standing in those shoes, I have appreciation for other blog administrators who take out time to do the same.

It’s a beautiful way to recognize those who visit our blogs and always comment and always provide encouragement, and I hope that I have done that for others.

Below are some people who have done so for me.  I really appreciate their support and enjoy their comments.  I appreciate that they are part of the WordPress Family, and therefore part of my family!

  1. MountainMae
  2. DrRex
  3. RoSy
  4. PrayingforOneDay
  5. HitandRun1964
  6. Crowing Crone Joss
  7. Toemailer
  8. Linne
  9. Al
  10. Hunt for Truth
  11. Austin
  12. Elfkat
  13. imaginecontinua
  14. mongaiandthegoa
  15. inavukic
  16. michael lai
  17. Spirit in action
  18. LandOfFun

Humanitarian Award

HumanitarianAward copy


Xena at Blackbutterfly7 nominated me for this award. I am particularly touched by this nomination because it was an award I created to honor Nelson Mandela and his life and legacy, and I am deeply touched to receive it back. I hope that my blog has been worthy of his great work!

The Rules for this award were deliberately made very simple:

1. To be eligible for this award, a blogger must blog about the importance of One World, One Family of Mankind, and One Love.

2. Recipients should Nominate 5 people who have demonstrated through their writing a love of the Human Family that encompasses all without regard for differences.

3. Give credit and thanks to the person who passes the award to you.

So, here are my 6 Nominees (yes, I know I’m technically breaking my own rule but, really, it’s not the first time!  Why do think I’m called IdealistREBEL. I can’t even tell myself what to do!):

  1. sasscer
  2. nadine mikhael
  3. mooreby
  4. valentine logar
  5. karen wan
  6. marounionmusic11