The Hope Award


2016 has been a rough year.  A lot of death, a lot of loss — not just of people, but also of civility, decency and, in many cases, Hope.

But not for all of us; not for all of you.

There are so many on WordPress who are sharing Light. They share decency, civility and respect.  They share Ideas and Passion and Compassion and, yes, Hope.

Emily Dickinson said “Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul, And sings the tune without the words, And never stops at all,” and I believe this gentle bird is chirping it’s beautiful song here and I wanted to take the chance to thank my readers and my friends and my fellow bloggers for helping to keep that beauty alive and fluttering, like a butterfly, from heart to heart and from mind to mind.

Please, take this award and share it with those you find worthy, those who give you the most hope. Share this award with the bloggers who have kept you inspired this past year.

The people who have made me hopeful in the darkness that has covered so much of this year are:

  1. Dr. Rex
  2. Petite Magique
  3. IvonPrefontaine
  4. Scottishmomus
  5. Inavukic
  6. Petchary
  7. Pujakins
  8. SeaAngel444
  9. Wildflower Women
  10. Sedge808



Very Inspiring Blogger Award



The wonderful, creative and delightful Patty at PetiteMagique has nominated me for this award, for which I cannot adequately express my gratitude.  Please visit her blog!


The rules of the award require me to provide 7 facts about my self, and to nominate and notify 10 bloggers who provide me with inspiration.

7 facts about me:

  1. I like ice cream
  2. I love to have a garden
  3. In good times and bad, I think life is very precious
  4. I believe in Peace
  5. I believe in forgiveness, kindness and compassion
  6. I am happiest when listening to music and writing or painting or doing photography
  7. I love the mountains and the beaches

My nominations are as follows:

  1.  Dr. Rex
  2. inavukic
  3. valentine logar
  4. eurobrat
  5. vegter animus
  6. stuartbramhall
  7. petchary
  8. risinghawk
  9. europasicewolf
  10. ivonprefontaine
  11. artists4peace

“Community Heart Award” for Bloggers Who Care


communityHeart Award


My dear and treasured friend Dr. Rex has nominated me for this wonderful award, about whichthe original creator (Kev at said this:

community is a social unit of any size that shares common values. Although embodied or face-to-face communities are usually small, larger or more extended communities such as a national community, international community and virtual community are also studied.

In human communities, intentbeliefresourcespreferencesneedsrisks, and a number of other conditions may be present and common, affecting the identity of the participants and their degree of cohesiveness.

Since the advent of the Internet, the concept of community has less geographical limitation, as people can now gather virtually in an online community and share common interests regardless of physical location. Prior to the internet, virtual communities (like social or academic organizations) were far more limited by the constraints of available communication and transportation technologies.

One broad definition which incorporates all the different forms of community is “a group or network of persons who are connected (objectively) to each other by relatively durable social relations that extend beyond immediate genealogical ties, and who mutually define that relationship (subjectively) as important to their social identity and social practice”


I am deeply touched to receive this award, as it speaks strongly to my feeling of Community in the Blogosphere, and to the friends I have made here at WordPress and beyond.  As those of you who regularly visit my blog know, I do care deeply for all humanity, and for the spiritual well-being and the peace of the Earth which we share, which makes this award precious to me.


I am not aware of any rules associated with this award, but I would like to nominate the following wonderful blogs, each of whom shows a caring heart for the community:

  1.  Cassidy Frazee
  2. Jackie Saulmon-Ramirez
  3. Jenny Cecillia
  4. E.D.
  5. For Women’s Eyes Only
  6. Cindy Knoke
  7. Xena
  8. eTinkerbell
  9. Sunshine
  10. HuntForTruth
  11. Quiall
  12. Linne
  13. ScrapperJude Designs
  14. MsTranquility
  15. Chess
  16. Inavukic

Truth and Tolerance Award



I’ve created this Truth & Tolerance Award to honor those bloggers who recognize the importance of Telling the Truth and Living Your Life in Tolerance for Other People’s Cultures, Religions and Lifestyles.
There are many of us who believe that if people are not harming anyone, they have the right to live their lives as they choose and deserve respect and understanding, instead of intolerance and condemnation for simply being who they are.
Please use this award to honor those who tell Their Truth, yet display Tolerance and Respect for other people and opposing points of view.

The Rules:

There’s only one — walk your talk and share this with those who do the same to make the world a better place.


The First ever Nominees for the Truth & Tolerance Award are:

  1. Chess
  2. MichelleMarie
  3. YadaDarcyYada
  4. ReverseCommuter
  5. Dr. Rex
  6. Shaun
  7. Inavukic
  8. Moorbey
  9. Afsheenanjum
  10. MungaiandtheGoaConstrictor
  11. iithinks
  12. kyangel17
  13. RoSy
  14. teeceecounsel
  15. Petchary
  16. Petrel41
  17. theDivaInMe
  18. ViewSplash
  19. eutouring
  20. theFifthcolumn
  21. Cityhippyfarmgirl
  22. purpleraysblog
  23. bunnyslippers
  24. begintobelieve
  25. shawn l bird
  26. hunt4truth
  27. cathy
  28. mihrankalaydjian
  29. ashiakira
  30. james radcliffe
  31. cassidy frazee
  32. professions for peace
  33. andy1076
  34. ivonprefontaine
  35. themirrorobscura
  36. toemailer
  37. Al
  38. levi techtford
  39. aikido no sekai
  40. digitaldimensions
  41. crowing crone joss
  42. brenda
  43. storiesofimagination
  44. karen wan
  45. lineoftheweek
  46. craft and guile

Community of Bloggerz Award



Simple rules:

1.Display the logo on a post.

2. Link back to the person who nominated you.

moorbey was kind enough to nominate me for this award.  I am forever grateful for the nomination and for his friendship, which is like a little sun to me everyday.

3.Nominate 14 readers other bloggers and inform them via comment in their blog sites.

  1. Europasicewolf
  2. Dr. Rex
  3. Merrilanil
  4. Bill Hayes
  5. HeartaFire
  6. Ror1774
  7. Perspectives on life
  8. Xena
  9. Roxi St. Clair
  10. E-Tinkerbell
  11. hitandrun1964
  12. Amy Pinkrose
  13. Casoria
  14. aikido-no-sekai
  15. yadadarcyyada


Kindness Award Bouquet

Hunt4Truth has honored me by nominating me for this lovely bouquet of awards.

kindness award


versatileblogger113   awesome award

sunshine awardABC Award

I so appreciate the nomination and the kind thoughts.  I am touched beyond words that Hunt4Truth thinks of me as kind of heart and feels that I am right for this award.  Thank you Eric.

For this Bouquet of Awards, there are no rules.

Here are my nominees:

  1. Cassidy Frazee
  2. BlueSage63
  3. Joe Bradshaw
  4. Ganesh
  5. ProfessionsForPeace
  6. WaitingforSomeday

The Cloak of Dawn award

Cloak of Dawn award

The lovely Dr. Rex nominated me for the new Cloak of Dawn award, created by Martin, from

Here’s what Martin had to say on the creation of the new award.

“The Cloak of Dawn award

The idea behind this award: We all know bloggers that write about the issues in this world be it animal abuse, child abuse, equality, their family, love, friendship, the love of whatever deity they worship and so on. We also know many blogger that besides blogging has to take care of a loved one because they are sick, have a disability or are otherwise not able to do everything by themselves. For these bloggers I created this award. The award is named in the spirit of a voluntary care giver and mother that does not blog herself and therefore can not receive the award herself .

Why a cloak? Well, in Dutch we call a voluntary caregiver (as described above) a “mantel zorger” which translates literal to “cloak carer” hence the cloak and the Rod of Aesculapius.

This award has some special rules due to its intend. Whereas most awards are shared after you have gotten it yourself, this award will be free to hand out at each and everyone’s own discretion BUT you must make sure that the intend of the award is upheld.

~~DA Rules~~

Display the award on your blog, either on a special awards page or in your side bar

If you have a nominee yourself tell them of their nomination

Make clear in your nomination blog why you have nominated the person. is it for his/her blogging or for his/her voluntary care that they give to their loved one/friend/kid/ grandparents/animals, etc. etc.

There is no limit on how many people you can nominate as long as the spirit of the award remains intact.

This award can’t be declined.”


My nominees

  1. petchary – who has dedicated herself to protecting and caring for the less fortunate in Jamaica
  2. inavukic – who users her blog to help right the wrongs that many of the Croatian people have suffered for generations.
  3. tersiaburger – who selflessly took care of her daughter during her entire illness, and was with her at the end

Being a Light in the World Award

Being a Light in the world

Thank you to Half-EatenMind for nominating me for this award, which I created to celebrate those who promote peace, light and understanding in the world.  You are yourself very deserving and I loved your description of the award.  Your words touch my heart, and say it better than I did in the first place, so I am reproducing them here:

Barbara created the LITWA to celebrate those wonderful people in our world who spread light, love, hope and peace in the name of humanity. Bloggers receiving this award are encouraged to continue promoting these virtues and work as a force of peace and light in the world, touching their readers’ hearts and making a difference in their lives, no matter how small. The award has as its background a scene of a beach taken at sunset with holidaymakers enjoying themselves. This picture was taken by Barbara herself. Just as the Sun in the picture brings light and sustenance to the Earth and is the reason why any living thing can exist on our planet in the first place, the LITWA is a gift to those bloggers who help shine the light into other people’s worlds, giving them sustenance, hope and happiness through the venerable dialogue of blogging.

My rules for this award were simple:

1.Thank the person who gives you the award

2.Spread this award around to the people who you know who are doing this work, so that the work continues and the light is spread

3.Let your nominees know

4.Never give up on your fellow human beings

My Nominees:

  1. A Pondering Mind
  2. Ceelee
  3. BarbaraFranken
  4. KA Brace
  5. scottishmomus
  6. ashiakira
  7. michael hulshof-schmidt
  8. infinitezip
  9. petchary
  10. baldypoems

Liebster Award


The kind and lovely Patty at PetiteMagique has nominated me for the Liebster Award. Thank you, my friend. You are, as always a light in my day!

The Rules:

•You must link back to the person who nominated you.

•Answer 11 questions from the person who nominated you.

•Nominate 11 new bloggers and ask them 11 questions.

•You cannot nominate the person who nominated you.

•You must let the people you nominate know they have been nominated.

The ten questions:

1. What inspired you or motivated you to begin blogging?

My best friend.

2. Who has been the most influential person in your life?

Gloria Steinem

3. If you were to open up your own restaurant, what kind of cuisine/s would you have and what features would it have i.e. bar, jacuzzi?

5 star gourmet food, with a bar where you can get any kind of drink you want.

4. Where did you last go for holiday (vacation) and what activities did you do over there?

The Bahamas, and I swam with dolphins and played with starfish

5. If you are working, what do you most like and hate about your job? – for those who are unemployed, retired or otherwise not currently in the ‘employment market’, what do you like/hate about not working?

I am retired, and I love having time for my writing and painting, and having more time to spend with my grandchildren.

6. If you were a cartoon character, which one would you be?

Betty Boop (for those of you under 40 — google it)

7. If I was to visit your city/town/village/hamlet, where would you show me as a tourist attraction and why?

The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, the Cleveland Art Museum, Severance Hall (home of the Cleveland Orchestra), our Zoo & Rain Forest, and our Botanical gardens.  All of these are world class and not to be missed.

8. What is your most treasured personal possession?

Pictures of my children and grandchildren

9. Name one really eventful thing that happened in your blogging career?

When the ObamaCrat did a special blog of some of my photographs and art.  That touched me very deeply.  He is a good friend.

10. What is your favourite song of the moment?

Anything as long as it is not country or rap

11. What is your favourite aspect of your nominator’s blog? It can be anything, general or specific, content-wise or design-wise.

I love PetiteMagique’s Design.  I find it to be visually every bit as stimulating as her writing.

My nominees:

  1. markbialczak
  2. The Chicago Files
  3. holisticwayfarer
  4. Dr. Rex
  5. WaitingforSomeday
  6. forgottenmeadows
  7. Cassidy Frazee
  8. Francine in Retirement
  9. iithinks
  10. joe bradshaw
  11. a pondering mind