Give to the soil

photo 4

Give to the soil
What wants to rest in the earth

Give to the river
what wants to be dissolved in water

Give to the sun
what wants to be burned in fire

Give to the wind
what wants to be dispersed in air

Enough despair
Enough destruction

Make yourself empty
Purify your body and mind
get ready!

Ready to receive
–Anieszka Ledwon (Agni)
28.08.2011 Sufi Camp Switzerland

photo 2

Paintings by Jaynara Linda Hauser:
(top) …in my wild heart, (bottom) The Alchemy of LIfe


This is an important blog.

Rethinking Life



Things just are. We each give our own unique meaning to absolutely everything. When people argue it’s because one person usually see’s things differently than the other person. People who get along have a tendency to see things in a similar way. Our view points are what make us who we are. Our world-view makes us start wars. Everything we see is only real to us as individuals. People say, “Why can’t you understand what I’m saying?” when in reality the other person truly can’t understand what the person is saying because what she or he hears doesn’t fit in with her or his own reality or vision of what they are both talking about. I’m amazed that we get along at all. I think that’s why manners and civility are important…keeps us from becoming extinct…although, if we became extinct, as a species, that would give everyone else a…

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COLLISION: Is Christianity Good For The World? [Download the documentary]

Another great blog.

A W E S T R U C K _W A N D E R E R


“COLLISION carves a new path in documentary film-making as it pits leading atheist, political journalist and bestselling author Christopher Hitchens against fellow author, satirist and evangelical theologian Douglas Wilson, as they go on the road to exchange blows over the question: “Is Christianity Good for the World?”. The two contrarians laugh, confide and argue, in public and in private, as they journey through three cities. And the film captures it all. The result is a magnetic conflict, a character-driven narrative that sparkles cinematically with a perfect match of arresting personalities and intellectual rivalry. COLLISION is directed by prolific independent filmmaker Darren Doane (Van Morrison: Astral Weeks Live at the Hollywood Bowl, The Battle For L.A., Godmoney).” – Official Web Site

Download: (torrent).


In May 2007, leading atheist Christopher Hitchens and Christian apologist Douglas Wilson began to argue the topic “Is Christianity Good for the World?” in a series…

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Audience member……..twice……….me…………….Oprah style!

A unique experience. How wonderful for you.

The Chicago Files


It isn’t often that one gets to sit in the audience for the taping of a tv show, let alone in one of Oprah’s audiences.  I peeked behind the curtain of serendipity, and what did I find? Two tickets to see, “The Oprah Winfrey Show” right here in Chicago!

I remember the day quite well.  The phone rang, and the call display said, “Harpo Studios”.  Harpo Studios…….Cher, think quick!  Harpo spelled backwards is, “O P R A H”! Oh my goodness!  I had applied to watch a taping of her show, and this was the unexpected call I had hoped for.  I had heard from people on the streets (figuratively, not literally!) that obtaining this little gem was practically impossible.  I hadn’t been in Chicago for long, and decided to try my luck in the “reservation raffle”, as it were.  That was the manner in which audience seats were filled: …

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Fast Fact Attack: Endangered Species No. 100 – Pallas’ Cat

This cat is kind of intimidating. Strange how it can go from fierce to cute! Hugs, Barbara

Mungai and the Goa Constrictor

Pallas' cat

“As long as people will shed the blood of innocent creatures there can be no peace, no liberty, no harmony between people. Slaughter and justice cannot dwell together”
Isaac Bashevis Singer

These captivating, incredibly furry little cats manage to survive the winters of some of the coldest regions on earth outside the Arctic Circle.  When they can hold onto their coats, that is.  Unbelievably appealing, though I think a little grumpy lookingPallas' cat sometimes, they are not much bigger than the average domestic cat, and were once wrongly thought to be the progenitors of the sleeky, long-haired domesticated Persian cat. Also known as manul, steppe cat or rock wildcat, Pallas’ cats are now in desperate trouble.

As you can imagine, that beautiful, luxurious coat has been much in demand over the centuries. Perfectly suited to its owner, enabling it to survive the harsh winters of the steppes, it is highly valued…

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Will You Let me Speak Honestly about The Actual Martin Luther King Jr ?

More information about a wonderful American leader. Hugs, Barbara


As a black man born and raised in the USA I can tell you personally from what I have experience/seen/deduced: the government doesn’t care about African-Americans and their civil liberties.

I say this to correct a fallacy. The FBI didn’t advise Martin Luther King Jr to commit suicide solely because he was helping black people of the nation free themselves from terrorism. They did it because in addition to shining a light on American atrocities to the Negro, he was turning the public into a forum to discuss the nation’s militarization as well as class warfare: two things which are forbidden according to the American social contract.

According to the Church Committee, a 1975 investigation by the U.S. Congress, “From December 1963 until his death in 1968, Martin Luther King, Jr. was the target of an intensive campaign by the Federal Bureau of Investigation to ‘neutralize’ him as an effective civil rights leader.” 

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Snowy owl on Vlieland island, video

The Future is Here: 3-D Printed Candy

Well this is quite fun! Well done. I have nine grandchildren who would think this was quite wonderful. Grat blog. Hugs, Barbara

Stories by Williams

chefjet_candyRemember the Easy Bake Oven, that little toy appliance that came equipped with an especially hot light-bulb and allowed kids to bake (a limited array of) edible goods? Well, it just may be that 3-D food printers will give the children of tomorrow that same ability, except with a much wider array of options; not to mention little risk of burning themselves.

Already, pizza, pancakes, and desserts are all options for food printers, and even Google’s cafeteria has a 3-D printer for pasta. And at this years Consumer Electronics Show (CES 2014), 3D Systems unveiled two of their latest designs – the ChefJet and the ChefJet Pro – showcasing printers that use sugar and water to crystallize frosting in real time.

chefjet-sugar-2-hires3D Systems is no stranger to printer technology. At last years CES, they won Best Emerging Tech award for their Cubify printer – a low cost device geared towards…

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Working Title: The Time Thief.

Very excellent group. Do you want to join? Hugs, Barbara

The Paperbook Blog

Wow, what a start to 2014.

I have barely had time to draw breath this year, which has meant that The Paperbook Blog has been shamefully neglected. Rest assured, there had been a LOT going on behind the scenes.

First things first, every single zine order has been posted! As I type there are copies of issues 4, 5 & 6 flitting their way across the globe towards your mailbox, eager to be opened, read and enjoyed by you.I am in a very zine loving mood at the moment, so keep the orders flowing in.


The creative juices haven’t just been limited to zine making though. I have been working on lots of other Paperbook goodies, all of which you are very welcome to order!

IMG_8394  IMG_8398 IMG_8498  IMG_8501

I have framed Paperbook quotes from Issues 1 – 6, as well as some handmade Paperbook notepads and posters. Yes, it is…

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