Washington confirms 4 new wolf packs

New wolf packs. Success.

Mavadelo's mindscape

Some good news on wolves 🙂

Washington confirms 4 new wolf packs

Gray wolves established four new packs and expanded their territory in Washington over the past year, according to the annual status report on the state endangered species released last weekend by the Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Biologists confirmed 13 wolf packs, five successful breeding pairs and at least 52 individual wolves based on surveys through the end of 2013.

The actual number of wolves is likely higher, said Donny Martorello, WDFW carnivore specialist.

Nine of the packs are in northeastern Washington with four along the east slopes of the North Cascades. Also, Oregon reports a new pack along the Washington border, bringing the number of Blue Mountains packs to at least two.

No wolf packs or breeding pairs have been found on the South Cascades/Northwest Coast region. Occassionally, wolf sightings are reported but biologists say these are likely wolf-dog hybreds, which look much…

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