Connecting Back to our Earth Mother

We are children of Mother Earth

Dreamwalker's Sanctuary

Spending time in nature allows us to feel at one with other living beings and to find comfort in the nurturing embrace of our Earth Mother. You can’t help but experience a different sense of self while walking in a wood.

So many of us have waited for Spring, as we have endured either the wettest or coldest winter in a long time.. So when at last the Sun peeps out I am one of the first to head for my favourite walks among the trees.. Just having the Sun revitalise us and enrich our Vitamin D supplies needed for healthy bones makes us feel so much better..

My walk looking out over some of Robin Hood Country My walk looking out over some of Robin Hood Country. I am standing upon a converted ‘Slag heap’ of waste from a local Coal mine which closed in 2003. This land has now been made into a Nature Reserve.

We spend so…

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