Remembering the Names

I wasn’t going to publish the names…there were so many. Then I decide that they deserved to be remembered, indeed honored. Each of then was young, at the beginning of this sojourn. Careers and school waiting for each of them. The name I won’t say is the perpetrators because I don’t want to encourage those unstable minds who commit crimes so history will remember them. I am sorry that their families and friends are experiencing this overwhelming grief and sorrow. Though a widow, I can only express a tiny bit of the hell you must be suffering. I am sorry.



For those on the fence about LGBT members of society, each of these people were in school or working. Let us remember the injured also. There is a large list of people who need your healing prayers. Their doctors need prayers for steady hands, wise decisions, and an angel on their shoulder. It will take the loving hearts of many people to get the injured up and about. They may face some discrimination. Pray that people will look at them and just see an injured human being. For their families and friends, I pray for you that you will have the strength to give them all the care they will need. May people remember that you will need care also. May you be able, in time, to forgive the shooter and the NRA.


May God bless and heal you.

May your lives be surrounded

with love, harmony and peace,We live in peace and harmony

May your hearts


strengthened and goodness come

to you for the remainder of you lives.

—The Rebel



We need harmony

Happy Memorial Day!






memorial day20161









memorial day2016




Today is a day to remember all of the many thousands of soldiers who chose to defend their country since the Revolutionary War. Some chose and some were drafted. Some gave a few years and some gave all they had…they gave their lives. Thank you seems inadequate but as a pacifist those words and my respect for your choices is all I have. I will continue to work for peace and harmony in the world; you did not fight nor die in vain.


Stand by Me





Speak your truth.

Listen when others speak theirs, too.

when you let go of fear, you will learn to love others;

and you will let them love you.

Do not be afraid of dying.

But do not be afraid to live.

Ask yourself what that means.

Open your hearts to love, for that is why you’r here.

And know that you are, and always have been One

with Me and all who live.

— Melody Beattie, author





Let us be united;

Let us speak in harmony;

Let our minds apprehend alike.

Common be our prayers;

Common be the end of our assembly;

Common be our resolution;

Common be our deliberations.

Alike be our feelings;

Unified be our hearts;

Common be our intentions;

Perfect be our unity.

—Rig Veda, Hindu


All people united in One World living in peace and harmony.

All people united in One World living in peace and harmony.


Beginning Today

Poems of Praise

Beloved is the One Who spoke and all things came to be!

Beloved are You!
Beloved is the One who created

all in the beginning!
Beloved is the One Who speaks and acts!

Beloved, Who determines and fulfills!


Beloved, Who deals kindly with the world!

Beloved, Who acts kindly towards all creatures!


Beloved, Who responds with good to those in awe!

Beloved, Who removes the dark and brings the light!


Beloved is the One Who lives eternally.

Beloved, Who delivers and redeems!  Beloved are You and Your name!


Iris and Rhody

Blue Iris – Copyright Barbara Mattio 2015



Starting today….

I will open my mind and heart to others in need.

I will try my hardest to do my best.

I will make new friends.

I will take the advice I get from those who care.

I must learn to be myself, and love myself.

I will listen to more music and write more music.

I will try to make somebody’s day a little bit better.

I will have fun!

I can express myself.

I will write about my feelings.

I will reflect on the past.

I will look towards the future because it is coming soon.


Today is the day I will begin

I will continue to smile.

I will dream about tomorrow.

I will challenge myself.

I shall travel to new places and see new things.


I will do more good deeds.

You see, these are the things

I hope for so much.

I will live; I will love; I will learn;

and I will pray.


–Andrea Levick





Rainbow – Copyright Barbara Mattio 2015




Wishing everyone a Peaceful and Harmonious Weekend




The Magic of Folk Music

Today’s post is dedicated to the folk music movement that enjoyed great popularity in the 60’s and 70’s. I grew up listening to the Beatles and Pete Seeger.  The Beach Boys and Arlo Guthrie.  So as you can see, it was Rock and Folk back then. Folk music is the music of the people. It’s lyrics deal with poverty, injustice and suffering.


I went to a Pete Seeger concert and took my husband, we sat in the grass and the entire audience sang with the band and the birds joined in with enthusiasm. We felt connected to every other person we could see. Pete has passed now but the beauty of his music endures.


Folk music deals with the lives of  “the masses”. The lyrics dealt with the coal miners, the railroad workers, the poor and the ill. It deals with those who are out of work and hungry. Those children who quit school to go to work to prevent the family from starving.


It also celebrates every life, big and successful or small and difficult. Folk music sees us all as equal and essential to the life of this planet. We are all one human species, and dwell upon this planet without borders. What effects you, effects me even if I don’t realize it. I am sure you know many of these songs and I hope you might enjoy singing along.


There is no difference between religions, skin color, ethnicity or how much money you have. It may seem like there are differences, but there aren’t inside where “we really live.”  Inside we are all the same, the children of God. We have bodies that work the same and we are all loved by the Divine. Folk music promotes peace and the atrocities of war. I hope you enjoy my offering today.










Khalil Gibran's heart






photographed and copyrighted by Barbara Mattio 2015

Photographed and copyrighted by Barbara Mattio 2014



The Harmony & Peace Award


I created this new award to celebrate all those who promote Harmony & Peace, and who add Love & Beauty to the world through their Blogs and through their lives.  Their Positivity makes the world a better place for all of us.


As most of you know by now, I am not big on rules, but here they are:

  1. Give this award to seven bloggers who have added Harmony & Peace, Love & Beauty and Positivity to the world you live in.
  2. Let them know that you nominated them.
  3. Acknowledge the blogger from whom you received this award
  4. Display your award on your blog, because  you have earned it!
  5. Continue to live in Harmony & Peace

The first nominees for this award:

  1. Dr. Rex
  2. Hunt4Truth
  3. Victo Dolore
  4. Al
  5. Xena
  6. Maverick
  7. Rajagopal

Listen to this….

Quote originally posted at

Ed Note: Today, The Beatles’ Abbey Road celebrates its 45th anniversary. In light of the occasion, we’re republishing this story, which was originally posted in September 2013.

A few years ago, we named The Beatles’Abbey Road as the greatest album of all time. Follow our breadcrumbs of reasoning and you’ll read about Paul McCartney’s final swan song: the medley. It’s a religious experience with an ensuing legacy that continues to influence musicians both new and old. Now, someone’s stripped away all the music and, instead, left its vocal tracks. What one should take away here is how synonymous the Fab Four really were, even amidst their forthcoming demise. “Match made in heaven” comes to mind, and really, aside from The Beach Boys, The Temptations, and The Bee Gees — it doesn’t get better than this. Stream below and lose yourself in the process.


Note:  This is the Abbey Road Album, with the instrumentation removed.  As a result, there are long pauses between some of the vocals, wherever you would have heard the instruments.  Please be patient through the pauses; I believe you will find it well worth your time.



The Beatles were my first band — the first band I truly loved — and I vowed to myself that, when I saw them, I was not going to act like those crazy girls on TV, and scream and cry and hold my head.  That’s not the way it happened, though.  Despite my best intentions, I did scream and cry and hold my head and acted just like all the other girls.



The Beatles have always been my first musical loves, but hearing their harmonies stripped of the musical instrumentation, leaving just the pure power of their vocalizations, left me with my mouth literally hanging open. I’ve always known — everyone has always known — that their singing was tight, but now I know why Beatlemania happened.  I know why I screamed, and the girls around me screamed:  because we were hearing voices not otherwise heard outside of Heaven and the Angels’ Chorus.  Never, in my opinion — and no, I am not a musical ‘expert’, but I am a fan of music, and I listen to many kinds of music spanning many decades — there has never been a better natural mix of voices in terms of their ability to compliment, counter and enhance the others.  They were truly unique in the history of music, and I hope that you will enjoy this revelation as much as I did.


A Tiny Drop of Water

     The Joy of Unity With the Universe

“O Lord,
One tiny bit of water rests on the palm of my hand.
I bring it to you and with it I bring the whole ocean
This tiny drop has the power to ease the burning thirst of men,
when spread on the earth, to give life to the seed and the future
when poured on the fire to quench the blaze.
A tiny drop of water
can cleanse the whole of my impurity when blessed by your forgiveness.

—Ishpriya rscj


Seeing the World Through Different Eyes

Invoking the powers of the Universe or bestowing on Mother Earth or other beings is neither a simple benevolent wish nor an act of hubris. It is really an act of creative confidence.We free ourselves to come into dynamic relationship with the entire Universe. “May all beings be happy.”

“What a thing it is to sit absolutely alone,
in the forest, at night, cherished by this
wonderful, unintelligible,
perfectly innocent speech,
The most comforting speech in the world,
the talk that rain makes by itself all over the ridges,
and the talk of the watercourses everywhere in the hollows!
Nobody started it, nobody is going to stop it.
It will talk as long as it wants, this rain.
As long as it talks I am going to listen.
————Thomas Merton

“Let us be united,
Let us speak in harmony,
Let our minds apprehend alike,
Common be our prayer,
Common be the end of our assembly,
Common be our resolution.
Alike be our feelings,
United be our hearts,
Common be our intentions,
Perfect be our unity.

—— From the Hindu Rig Veda

Cuyahogua Falls, Ohio;  Photo by Barbara Mattio

Cuyahogua Falls, Ohio; Photo by Barbara Mattio

Kinds of Light and Their Purpose

Light is a quality which allows us to see the details of a situation and to examine it completely.  With light there is shadow. Shadow can be elusive and mysterious. Shadow can create comfort or hide wickedness.

I, myself, love the play of light and shadow across a landscape or a person’s face. I love the lines it can create as well as the greys it gives birth to.

The sun gives us the light and shadow in life. That big orb in the sky which helps all the sentient beings on Mother earth to grow and thrive.  Human beings cling to the sun and its radiant light which is why we will risk much to live on a warm sun drenched beach.

Our Mother Moon also brings light into our nights. And with the light comes shadows. These shadows don’t have the same lines of definition as the lines of day light. Lunar light is soft as the first gentle brush of lips against lips. the shadows are deeper and dense with magic and the hint of intrigue.

Palm leaves, Madagascar desert; Photo by Barbara Mattio

The light which is most important to each of us as human beings is the light of truth and honesty and ethics. The light that sweeps away the shadows of oppression, hatred and violence are important to our well-being as members of the human family. We are all children of the Universe. We all live in light and shadow and both are gifts from the Source.