The Dedicated Blogger Award



Blogging, some say, is losing ground on the Internet.  Many people are now using Twitter or Snapchat or Instagram to convey their thoughts, leaving the more ‘old-fashioned’ blog behind.

But there are those who understand that, sometimes, a long form is best.  Who know that it takes time, and craft, and WORDS as well as images to convey a thought, and to start a conversation.

This Award is dedicated to those bloggers who consistently provide wisdom, inspiration, kindness, gentleness and truth to the world through their blogs.

This is a my “thank you” to you.  Please, pass it on!

  1. Dr. Rex
  2. Maxima
  3. seaangel4444
  4. Crowing Crone Joss
  5. Xena
  6. Michael Lai
  7. Sedge808
  8. Nataliescarberry
  9. john flanagan
  10. David
  11. Graham in Hats
  12. heartafire
  13. The V-Pub
  14. inavukic
  15. hurthealer

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9 thoughts on “The Dedicated Blogger Award

  1. Thank you for that. 😀

    A good point too. Something for everyone and nothing worthwhile neglected. 🙂

  2. David says:

    Thank you for the recognition. I truly appreciate it. 🙂

  3. Wow, thank you so much for your kind words and for this award. I’m so overwhelmed to have been included in such an illustrious group. I treasure our connection through WP. I think of my lovely followers as the family I have chosen and wish you all the best in the coming year. Merry Christmas to you and yours and thank you for being a blessing in my world. Love and hugs, Natalie 🙂 ❤

  4. Dr. Rex says:

    Just saw this …. found it!! Thanks so very much …. it’s an honor. Always ever humbling!! Hugs, sweet friend!!

  5. […] Fourth Generation Farmgirl for such a meaningful accolade.  Rob was nominated by Barbara, of The Idealistic Rebel, and she states: “This Award is dedicated to those bloggers who consistently provide wisdom, […]

  6. […] of The Idealistic Rebel states, “This award is dedicated to those bloggers who consistently provide wisdom, […]

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